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Employer Relations

Public·31 members

June 1, 2021 · joined the group.
Identified potential leads to help facilitate employer introductions

Core Contacts

For identifying potential internal and external partners

Inner Circle

Jun 02, 2021

Discussion question for any Hanshake users in the group. I'm faced with the need to switch CMS systems for our Job Board, Event & Employer Relations software and would like to know if any of you are using Handhake for hosting events and how it is working for you. I host regular online job fairs with multiple employers (15-50 at a time) and am hoping that Handshake will make the coordination efforts easier. I currently use several different Zoom accounts to manage it and although it works, I'm not able to customize the student registration information as much as I would like. I would prefer to collect more info such as contact info, student ID # and field of study upon registration and send out automatic reminders for registered attendees. Any insight you can provide about how you coordinate job fairs in Handshake would be appreciated. Thank you.


A group for professionals who coordinate employer relations....


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